by Admin | Nov 1, 2023 | Advice
Heating Load Calculations Knowing the ‘heating load’, the quantity of heat per unit time that must be supplied to maintain the optimum temperature within a building or portion of a building at a given level, is an invaluable calculation when estimating the...
by Admin | Oct 30, 2023 | Advice
Addressing difficult heating issues Some buildings present us with difficult heating issues, though correct evaluation of its structure and its needs can generate huge savings over time. Of course, the original use and age of a building will dictate how energy...
by Admin | Oct 18, 2023 | Advice
Energy management in the 21st Century needs to be integrated, proactive and should incorporate energy procurement, energy efficiency and renewable energy considerations. Businesses spend a great deal of time and resources on creating well managed structured policies...
by Admin | Apr 16, 2016 | Advice
Swimming pool heating can be very expensive, but much can be done to reduce running costs. Gas powered heating is more economical than any other means of heating and is best installed if you live in a gas supplied area. Electricity and oil fired heating have swapped...
by Admin | Oct 8, 2015 | Advice, Blog
The Governments Enhanced Capital Allowance Scheme; for energy saving technologies, allows profit, or loss-making businesses, to benefit from tax breaks when investing in eligible, energy-saving, equipment. The scheme permits businesses to write off the whole cost of...