Energy management in the 21st Century needs to be integrated, proactive and should incorporate energy procurement, energy efficiency and renewable energy considerations.

Businesses spend a great deal of time and resources on creating well managed structured policies and procedures, yet often the management of an organisation’s energy usage is overlooked, even though there is considerable potential for most businesses to conserve energy and reduce running costs.

Much can be done to offset rising energy prices and all organisations have a responsibility for adhering to climate change legislation and the need to be seen to be environmentally responsible by customers and stakeholders.

Saving energy makes good business sense, and having a structured, co-ordinated and integrated approach will maximise such benefits. Without good energy management, cost-effective opportunities can be easily overlooked. Like all management disciplines, energy management should be applied in a manner appropriate to the nature and scale of the organisation.

Energy management for a small office-based organisation will clearly differ from that of a complex industrial company with a multi-million pound energy bill. Nevertheless, the fundamental principles remain the same. Energy management should be tailored to the nature and size of the organisation. The commitment and resources expended on energy management should be proportionate to the need and the benefits gained.